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A Bactrian bronze axe head, with a scimitar-shaped blade on one side; a central apotropaic eye in relief to each side of the socket, and a ribbed crescentic extension to the rear.


Bronze Age Bactria: 2nd millennium BC


Very Fine condition; with a dark green patina; a few light accretions.

Width 17 cms (6.7 ins)


Provenance: From an old London, UK, collection. Ex London, UK, gallery.


Literature: Cf. Gernez, G., L'armament en métal au Proche et Moyen-Orient: des origines a 1750 av. J.C., Paris, 2007, fig.2.15, subtype H 2.I.b


According to Gernez they were made for ceremonial use. Most of these axes are believed to have originated in Bactria, but some objects come from well documented contexts in Margiane (Gonur), Lut (Shahdad) and Kermanshah (Khinaman).

Bactrian bronze 'eye' axe head

SKU: K262

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